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Start Your Islamic Studies with IPIP

At IPIP, we offer structured Islamic studies programs ranging from basic to diploma levels. IPIP also collaborates with the International Islamic University Malaysia to offer bachelor’s degree programs in the fields of revealed knowledge and Islamic heritage. Additionally, we provide short courses such as Quranic Studies and Arabic Language Studies.

For Those Who Want to Start from the Basics

These courses are suitable for those who have never attended any structured classes.

Islamic Definition Program

  • This program is suitable for those who want to try attending structured classes without having to sit for exams. It lasts only 3 or 6 months.

Islamic Studies Certificate

  • This program is specially designed for those who are ready to commit for 1 or 2 years. Classes are conducted in a modular format.

Islamic Studies Certificate for Youth

  • The latest program offered by IPIP, specifically for teenagers aged 13 - 15 years. The study period is 4 years.

What do our students say?

For those interested in short-term studies

The duration of these courses does not exceed 9 months for each level.

Program Takrif Islam

  • This program is suitable for those who want to try attending structured classes without having to sit for exams. It lasts only 3 or 6 months.

Quranic Studies

  • A program focused on refining Quranic recitation with Tajweed. The basic level lasts only 3 months.

Arabic Language Studies

  • This program is suitable for those who have never studied Arabic. You only need to recognize the Hijaiyyah letters. The basic level lasts for only 9 months.

IPIP also offers Master's level studies

These programs are a collaboration with the International Islamic University Malaysia.

Bachelor of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Heritage

  • This 4-year program is specially designed for adult learners who want to pursue a part-time bachelor's degree. Instruction is in both English and Arabic.

Master of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Heritage

  • The 2-year program offers three specializations: Usluddin and Comparative Religion, Quranic and Hadith Studies, and Fiqh. Instruction is in Arabic.

MA in Islamic Thought & Civilization

  • This 2-year 'research-intensive' program is conducted in English, part-time. Students can choose from 8 different specialization areas.
The Pergas Islamic Studies Institute (IPIP) has been the choice of many students for Islamic studies and Arabic language learning since 1986. Learn More
SLPI - IPIP | Institut Pengajian Islam Pergas
Hubungi Kami - IPIP | Institut Pengajian Islam Pergas
Hubungi Kami - IPIP | Institut Pengajian Islam Pergas

Not sure which program is right for you? We are here to help!

"‏ مَنْ يُرِدِ اللَّهُ بِهِ خَيْرًا يُفَقِّهْهُ فِي الدِّينِ ‏"

"Whomever Allah wishes good (khair) for, He will grant him understanding of His Religion (Tafaqquh fi al-Din)."